Modern European-Inspired Wedding Photography

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Documenting Our Pets' Last Cherished Memories | Lauren and Moe at Rideau Ferry a few days before he died

I'll always remember this photoshoot.

A couple of months before the session, Lauren had been given the news that her beloved pup Moe, had a very aggressive type of cancer, and was only expected to live a couple of months.

Lauren hoped for the best, but prepared for the worst. So, she wanted to make sure that she could preserve some memories with her amazing dog before he passed.

She rented a cottage with her sister at Rideau Ferry.

It was a gorgeous location, right on the water, surrounded by deep and dense forest.

(A little aside: Lauren’s sister had tried swimming in that lake, and ended up getting bitten by leeches. The two women decided: no more swimming.)

When I showed up there, it was a rainy morning. I think a Wednesday…

We had looked at the forecast the day before, and worried it would be pouring out the whole day. But actually, the rain was just a drizzle. It was totally manageable.

We ended up taking Moe for not one but two walks in the short time I was there. I was only there an hour or so, and this puppy really kept up the pace!

In fact, had I not known that he had cancer, I wouldn't have guessed there was anything wrong with him. I believe he was 11 years old, but he was just as energetic as a pup.

He liked to live life to the fullest each and every day. Some of the most precious moments were when Lauren and Moe took some time on the dock to look out at the water.

Those photographs are so emotional.

Lauren ended up printing some of those photos and putting them right up on her wall. She got a trio of black and whites.

In one particular photograph, Moe looks right at Lauren. It is almost like he has a human gaze.

These types of photo-sessions with our beloved pets can be so incredibly meaningful.

Our fur babies are our family.

Okay, a little personal admission: one of my dogs drives me completely nuts, and I often feel like I play favourites because my other dog is so much easier to love, so much less of a troublemaker, and makes less of a mess and is far less needy.

But the truth is, if my other dog – the troublemaker - was diagnosed with cancer, I'd be devastated.

Documentary photography lends itself perfectly to capturing pet photos.

It's impossible to pose a dog. I mean, you probably could, if you had a studio and could keep them on a leash the whole time.

But that's not what we wanted to do.

We wanted Moe to explore and frolic and be free. So that's just what we did. Candid doggie photos are the best, I think!

Lauren will always cherish these memories, and I will forever remember this session that we did together and be thankful that I got to see Moe in his last few days before his death.

Moe passed away just 7 days after this session. 😭🥺

I was very sad to learn the news.

Shortly after that, Lauren ordered some prints, so that she can always always remember this special time with her beloved fur baby.

If there’s a special cat or dog or horse or any other pet in your life - maybe they’re getting on in years, or they’ve been diagnosed with something terminal…

Think about having a short session with them, doing their favourite thing (eating their favourite foods, being loved by their favourite humans, or going out to their favourite walking spot).

The memories you will create together are irreplaceable.