An (extra)ordinary day in the Life: Moving Day with the Clarke Family

candid family photography kingston ottawa toronto

Moving day can be hectic (ok, it IS hectic), and it’s particularly so with young kids.

But Christen & Shawn had the right idea - they treated this as a super special and fun day for their little girls to enjoy, AND they hired me to photograph it all so that the girls would be able to have photographs to look back on.

So, the “Day in the Life” turned into a Moving Day in the Life.

They moved from one house to another, about ten minutes away. The new house checked off all those little things they’d dreamed about, and it was going to be their forever home <3

I was in awe of how much running around Shawn and Christen did. We went to multiple parks, ran down the street, on scooters, bikes, you name it.

There was swinging and sliding and watermelon eating. It was also a beautiful day until the afternoon when it started to rain. The result was that the girls DID experience this as something truly special. It could have been difficult for them, and instead - it was exciting!

I can’t really explain it all, but the photos can give you a little glimpse! I’ve created a slideshow of some of my faves, though of course the family will receive many more photographs than these. Narrowing down for the slideshow is always difficult.

It was a crazy, busy, and FUN day, and I hope this family will enjoy these photographs for ever.

If you have any ideas for your Day in the Life, send me a message and let’s connect!

I offer free consultations to all curious families who are considering candid family photography. There’s never an obligation to book a session, and we can be free to plan & dream your session face to face!


Why candid family photography is hands down the hardest & best type of photography out there.


How happiness spreads: spending a snippet of time with Irit, Mike, and Leo.