social media day

Social Media day. Curate your own experience

Social Media day. Curate your own experience

digging in the pond

I'm guessing social media is here to stay, because it's an extension of our social selves. And sociality is key to humanity, no?

Yes, sometimes it's a lot like wading through murky and questionable waters, but think of all the treasures it affords!

Much of my social media consists of other people's work - other photographers and artists whom I admire & subscribe to. It fills my Facebook wall, my Instagram feed, and... that's pretty much it.

But the point is, you can curate your own online experience, to a point. You can seek out those morsels of meaning & beauty, right?

dig up something useful from your social media account

dig up something useful from your social media account

So Happy Social Media day! Don't live with a box over your head. Embrace and use it for some good!


what kind of perfection is it, anyway?


#beautiful yet #unposed