Skate Jam in August 2022 - Kingston, Ontario ❤

As a photographer who is NOT a skateboarder (I mean… I tried for about a year so far… but you get hurt a lot, and I am not a huge fan of getting hurt 😜), I’m still learning what makes a good skateboarding photo.

I’m also trying to make sure I’ve got enough photos of the entire event - and not just the skateboarding photos - to flesh out the story.

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no pain, no frills, no bullshit: a bunch of disclosures on a rainy day

I was always hoping. I was taking the "fake it till you make it" adage for a decades-long test-drive. Maybe if I spent enough years, published enough papers, made enough friends in the field, took on enough students... maybe then I'd begin to be truly into it. To dream up grant ideas in my spare time. To write papers just for fun. For the love of it.

That day never happened.

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Life Reflections, 2016 Viara Mileva Life Reflections, 2016 Viara Mileva

Life is short. Do it your way.

When it was time to end the journey, we had a similarly limitless amount of possibilities to come home to. Canada, the vast. 

We chose a place close to my family. A place we could pursue another dream: living on the land, having sheep and chickens and all the rest, and green fields for the kids to thread their bare feet through. There was never really much of a question. Even if it meant walking away from academia.

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